Might To See
Mount Rinjani GeoPark
Mount Rinjani GeoPark
Mt. Rinjani National Park covers an area of 41.330 ha. The park is surrounded by a further 66.000 ha. of protected forest. Rinjani Mountain is rich in a variety of flora, fauna and vegetation types
Notable flora includes the everlasting edelweiss (Anaphalis viscida), tiger orchid (Vanda sp), alang-alang grass (Imperata cylindrica), cemara tress (Casuarina trifolia and Casuarina). Wildlife found in the park includes deer (Cervus timorensis) although they are hard to spot. Othe mammals include black silver leafed monkeys or lutung (Presbytis cristata). Birds recorded in the park include Eagles (Spizaetus cerhatus). And white cockatoos with yellow crests (Cacatua sulphurea ocidentale).
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